Solvents Derived from Terrestrial Resources (bio-solvents. etc.)
To achieve sustainability for both humanity and society, it is imperative to transition away from fossil fuel-dependent energy sources and utilize terrestrial resources as raw materials for everyday essentials. This global turning point confronts all manufacturers, including Nippon Refine, with the need for change.
The commercialization of biofinery-based supply chains that rely on above-ground resources is gradually gaining momentum internationally.
With the aim of attaining carbon neutrality by 2050, the Refine Holdings Group, including Nippon Refine, is dedicated to fostering a sustainable society and advancing resource recycling to make meaningful contributions to social progress.

About Solvents Derived from Terrestrial Resources
Solvents that are derived from above-ground resources, such as bio-solvents, are commonly referred to as 'solvents derived from terrestrial resources.'
Unlike current petroleum-based organic solvents derived from fossil resources, biosolvents are manufactured from terrestrial resources such as biomass, which is a sustainable resource. Among these resources, bio-solvents play a significant role in achieving carbon neutrality. As "carbon neutral" substances, they do not contribute to global CO2 emissions, making them instrumental in attaining your company's CO2 reduction targets.
What we can do
We can purchase products from bio-solvent manufacturers through our overseas subsidiaries and deliver them to our customers.
Refine Americas ,inc. →We reuse bio-solvent discharged as waste during manufacturing after refining and recycling at Nippon Refine to reduce total costs.
We are actively promoting sustainability initiatives in collaboration with customers committed to achieving CO2 reduction targets. This includes transitioning from conventional petroleum-based solvents sourced from underground resources to solvents derived from aboveground resources, exploring new solvent applications, and advocating for recycling practices.
Through the procurement and supply of bio-solvents as replacements for contract processing products, we facilitate a carbon-neutral circular recycling system.
What is carbon neutrality?
Carbon neutrality refers to achieving a balance between the anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases and their absorption through activities like afforestation and forest management. These greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate change, are released as a result of economic activities and everyday life.
To attain carbon neutrality, it is crucial to acknowledge the collective responsibility and take proactive measures from all perspectives.
Creating a sustainable economic society for future generations requires proactive efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen absorption initiatives. This is crucial for the realization of a carbon-neutral and decarbonized society.

Transaction process
- Inquiry
- Estimate
- Submit sample (if needed)
- Consulation to confirm delivery conditions
- Delivery begins