High-Performance Chemicals Business TOP

Solvents for Materials Used in Electronics

Electronic Materials and Semiconductors

Nippon Refine offers high-grade solvents specifically tailored for electronic materials and semiconductor applications, employing advanced separation technology to control impurities. Our expertise allows us to manage low-metal solvents with metal ions reduced to the ppt level, while meeting the growing demands of semiconductor manufacturing.
Nippon Refine offers moisture-controlled solvents for applications in electronic materials, where precise moisture management is crucial. Handling moisture in small-batch production of hygroscopic solvents can be challenging. However, utilizing our distillation technology, we ensure that the water content remains below 50ppm.
We specialize in refining standard industrial solvents and imported products, transforming them into electronic-grade solvents. Our rigorous quality control ensures the delivery of high-purity solvents crucial for semiconductor and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Furthermore, we implement solvent waste recycling by repurposing it as raw material within our refining process.

High-quality solvents with low metal content provided per your request.

New and recycled solvents can be purified and managed to meet ppt order specifications.

●Guaranteed values (example)

Metal ions

100ppt or less

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about estimates, whether the solvent you have can be recycled, if you're planning to build a recycling equipment, and more.
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